Backpack journalists can also be referred to as solo journalists. They take it upon themselves to do everything they need to "get the scoop" all alone. This means doing the audio, visual, and putting everything together in the end using Dreamweaver or photoshop. Jared Silfies revealed everything he thought was important for a backpack journalist to carry in their backpack in order to be successful. Such items included a Smartphone, camera, voice/video recorders, USB, notepad, Mac, and
The Elements of Style. Although I haven't read it, I have been told by another teacher that I should invest in owning it because as a journalist, it will come into handy:) I think that it would be a great tool in helping me write in a more professional manner and I would be taken more seriously in my career if my grammar is precise.

When viewing the variety of blogs and portfolios,
Rachel Youens caught my eye of interest the most! I love watching shows like
Project Runway and
America's Next Top Model when I have the time, so I liked how she incorporated her interests in fashion with her career in journalism. The layout was very fluent and easy to manage my way through. I also took note of her resume and it's professional appearance because I need to work on my own. I found it interesting to see some of her "volunteer experience" that she listed on the resume. These type of things could be key to catching a prospective eye from a magazine that is looking for someone that doesn't just do their job for the money, but because they enjoy it and want to make a difference in people's lives. I'm sure that she would need several fashion related supplies in her area of journalism besides the usual technology. Not only would she need USB's, audio/visual recording equipment, but also current updates on fashion from such magazines as
Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, etc. Working in Austin, TX must make her job particularly interesting because she's not in the "ideal" fashion locations such as LA or New York, so she must use other sources to get her information on what's hot and what's not.